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Monday, February 20, 2012

Tech Committee

On Thursday, Feb 2, I attended the school's technology committee meeting with my supervisor.  Our school has once a month planned committee meetings, but this was a called meeting.   We recently purchased iPad 2s for all homeroom teachers in the building.  The reason for this meeting was to look at apps that we have found to this point (tech team members received the first "wave" of iPads), discuss iBooks and using it for the upcoming CCGPS planning, look into using google docs in an attempt to save server space for our school, and then...we split into two groups.  One group worked on the iPad staff user agreement and expectations for daily use.  The second group worked on an iPad training schedule and what the focus of different training sessions will need to be.
I will lead a portion of the training for my site visit in March!  All homeroom teachers should have their iPads by then and have had some time to "play" around on them.  I look forward to sharing some really great apps, troubleshooting ideas, and basic knowledge about the iPads with them.  Some teachers have already had their own personal iPads, but many are brand now to this technology.  What a great tool we now have to use with our students as we prepare them for the future.

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