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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Joined GAIT

GAIT?  What's that?  Georgia Association for Instructional Technology!  Yes, I joined today....well, technically, I mailed my application and check in today.  I find it humorous that for a technology association - the ONLY way to join...is snail mail!
So, who are they?  They are open to all people interested in improving education through the use of media and technology.  What do they do?  They co-sponsor an annual professional development conference, participate in the annual Georgia Library Legislative Day at the State Capitol, co-sponsor the Georgia Library Media Specialist of the Year Award, and co-sponsor the Georgia Student Media Festival.  Georgia annually has a large number of winners in AECT’s International Student Media Festival, which is hosted as part of the annual AECT Convention. GAIT is a affiliate of the AECT.
Now, I wait on an email or letter back, accepting my membership.  I'm interested to see how long that process takes.

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