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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cataloging Books

Cataloged books today.  There were several exciting things about this.  Exciting thing # 1: It was kinda neat; I'm a detail-type person and finding the info, entering it, adding about 50 labels to the book (okay, not really 50, but there were...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...yes, 7 stickers on there:  AR label, bar code, shelf location label, AR color dot, then 3 clear cover stickers over those 3 locations!), and even shelving the books.  Exciting thing #2:  This completes a checklist item for practicum!  So many of the projects for practicum are time-consuming, taking days, weeks, etc to finish.  This was one done today.  It feels great to "check off" something for good.  Feels like I'm a little bit closer to finishing this thing!

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